Welcome from the ISA Water/Wastewater Division Director

Jon DiPietro, Director of ISA Water/Wastewater Division

Welcome to the 2012 ISA Water/Wastewater Automatic Controls Symposium. We’re very happy to be back in Orlando and to announce two new strategic partnerships that are going to bring tremendous values to the event and its attendees. The Water Environment Federation (WEF) and Florida American Water Works Association (FAWWA) are both technical co-sponsors this year for the first time.  As a result, the symposium will be offering FDEP approved CEUs for Florida-state licensed water and wastewater operators. Attendees from out of state and ISA members can also receive 20 PDHs via the ISA.

With so many water and wastewater utilities facing aging infrastructure and challenging funding environments, our keynote this year is timely. Celine Hyer, principal consultant with Red Oak Division of Malcolm Pirnie/ARCADIS in Tampa, Florida will present “Facing Utility Challenges: Managing Risk and Addressing Aging Infrastructure Needs.”

I’m looking forward to our seventh symposium, as I know it will be our best yet. We’ll have a full day of training followed by two jam-packed days of top notch technical content, all laser-focused on applying automation in the water and wastewater industries.

Jon DiPietro
ISA Water/Wastewater Industries Division

About GrahamNasby

General Symposium Chair ---- Graham Nasby, P.Eng., PMP works for Eramosa Engineering Inc. (http://www.eramosa.com), which is a specialty engineering consulting firm that focuses on electrical engineering, system integration, data visualization, and SCADA master planning. Eramosa has extensive experience with the municipal water and wastewater sectors. Contact: graham.nasby@grahamnasby.com