Save the Date – WWAC 2012 is on Aug 7-9, 2012

We are pleased to announce that our 2012 WWAC Symposium will be taking place August 7-9, 2012 in Orlando, Florida, USA.  Hotel arrangements are currently being finalized and will be announced shortly.  We will also be launching our new 2012 symposium website at shortly The Call for Papers for the symposium will be released on the new website as well.


 7th ISA Water & Wastewater
and Automatic Controls

 August 7-9, 2012
Tuesday – Thursday

Orlando, Florida, USA
(with Disney World just around the corner)


2 full days of speakers/presentations
Track 1 – Instrumentation, System Integration, Automation, Plant Case Studies, New Technologies, Optimization
Track 2 – SCADA, HMI, Human Factors, Alarm Management

1 full day ISA Training Course

 Plant Tour of a local Water/Wastewater Facility

Trade Show, Reception & Networking Event

Affordable Professional Development for
Plant Operations/Maintenance Staff, Plant Managers,
Plant Designers, Engineers, System Integrators

Training Credits
CEUs – Continuing/College Education Units
PDHs – Professional Development Hours

The August timeslot has been chosen so that we don’t conflict with the major AWWA and WEF conferences.  Keep in mind the ISA WWAC Symposium is the only conference that is focused solely on instrumentation, automation, and SCADA in the water/ wastewater sector. We look forward to seeing you in 2012!

  • ACE12: American Water Works Association (AWWA)
    June 10-14, 2012 – Dallas, Texas
  • 7th Annual ISA Water/Wastewater Symposium
    August 7-9, 2012 – Orlando, Florida, USA
  • WEFTEC 2012: Water Environment Federation (WEF)
    Sept 29 – Oct 3, 2012 – New Orleans, Louisiana


We will be posting more information on the website very soon!

About GrahamNasby

General Symposium Chair ---- Graham Nasby, P.Eng., PMP works for Eramosa Engineering Inc. (, which is a specialty engineering consulting firm that focuses on electrical engineering, system integration, data visualization, and SCADA master planning. Eramosa has extensive experience with the municipal water and wastewater sectors. Contact: